This is ME.

This is ME.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Baby #2 (& Hubby #1)!!!! :)

Well, it's officially a little over 24 hours until we find out the sex of the newest addition to the family!! I'm getting pretty excited!! Matt, on the other hand, is still just kinda "blah" about the whole thing. Now, I know that some of the ladies reading this will get a little upset because "a child is a joyful thing, something to be excited over, and if you're not, you're a bad parent, etc..." But that's not the case, which is what I often have to remind myself of throughout the duration of this pregnancy. In truth, my husband was the same way when I was pregnant with our first. He just doesn't connect to a pregnancy (not that the associated hormones make it easy for him to!). But once that little miracle is about to make it's arrival (such as in the delivery room), THAT is when he gets excited! The previous 9 months is otherwise inconsequential to him.

I do have to admit, this apathy scared the crap out of me with our first. He knows that, I'll admit it. But the first time he held Devin, I **KNEW** he was going to be a great father, and he has continued to exceed my expectations in that department. I know on any given day I can complain about him and every single thing he even thinks about doing, but in reality, he's not such a bad person, and something I've been trying to do these last few months is to give him more credit. He's not perfect, but neither am I (hence, I write this particular post, but haven't really mentioned it to him - whoops).

So anyways, this time around, I haven't freaked out on him (too much) for not touching my belly, not talking to the offspring inside of me, or not treating me like a princess. I know that pregnancy, to Matt, is a one-woman job that he simply has no part of (I said pregnancy, not conceiving). And with Baby #2 fast-approaching, I'm ok with it (now).

But don't tell Matt that : D
(I'm pretty sure that he's already tired of reading my blog, therefore this is a safe zone again!)

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