This is ME.

This is ME.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Baby #2

So, I saw this on a friend's blog and decided I'd steal it from her!!! If I knew how to tag her on here, I would, because her blog is pretty interesting, but since I don't, I'm gonna go ahead and give Amanda a shout out!! Here's the link to her blog :

How far along? 15 weeks 3 days

Total weight gain/loss: +5 pounds

Maternity clothes?: I have a few different pairs of maternity jeans, and while they are comfortable, they still don't stay up in the stomach, so I'm still just in regular jeans most of the time!

Stretch marks?  No new ones yet lol... and I only got a few from being pregnant with my son so I can only hope it stays the same!!

Sleep: I wish. When I can sleep, I don't sleep well. I wake up earlier all the time, and go to bed later. But I could probably take 2 naps a day if I had the luxury :)

Best moment this week: Finding out I can still get the Prius I want on Friday!!! 

Miss Anything?: Margaritas =/

Movement: Been having flutters since about 12 weeks, but now I can feel it from the outside (a little here and there) so it's becoming more real...

Food cravings: Caffeine, alcohol (I promise I'm not an alcoholic), anything sour, salty... 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Been having alot of motion sickness with this pregnancy, but it's finally dissipating so I think I'm good.

Gender: My husband will find out in November. I am going to try to hold off (but I think his face will be a dead give away) on finding out as long as possible!

Labor Signs: Negative, Ghost Rider.

Symptoms: Flat, stringy hair; acne; dry skin; itchiness everywhere; 

Belly Button in or out? in!
Publish Post
Wedding rings on or off?: Depends on if I remember to put my wedding ring on after I do dishes, put on my makeup, etc...

Happy or Moody most of the time: Apparently I was really psychotic with my first. This time around, I'm still pretty b*tchy but it's at least manageable.

Looking forward to: Meeting with my son's neurosurgeon in 2 weeks, and then meeting with the OBGYN specialist about the baking bean in 4 weeks.

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