This is ME.

This is ME.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Background Story

Alright. So I've never done this before. Haven't quite been sure where to start, so I just figure I'll start at the beginning (Ok, maybe not the VERY beginning, but I am gonna touch on the highlights).

Dec. 7th, 1996 - My dad died after 7 heart attacks in 3 days. He was 48, I was 12 days away from my 8th birthday. He was rendered a quadriplegic after a nearly fatal car wreck on March 20th, 1996, just a few days after his birthday. I still find myself grieving over his death years later because I only have 3 - 5 actual memories of him.

September 2003 - met the love of my life, Matt. Told my mom that December I "loved" him and wanted to marry him one day. She thought it was a phase, and I was forbidden to be with him.

December 2005 (16 years old) - I moved out of my mom's house, hated her husband at the time, got my own place. Had 2 full time jobs, and was a full time student trying to finish my junior year of high school.

January 7th, 2006 - fell at work (Skating Rink - job #1); fractured my spine, dislocated my right knee, and got a concussion.

July 2006 - joined the United States Army after I was told in May that my back was healed, and I would "never have another problem with it again".

September 2006 - had malignant cancer removed from my face (right under my left eye).

December 7th, 2006 - Officially discharged (honorable, medical) from the Army. Came home from Fort Leonardwood, Missouri with my spine now fractured in 3 places because it never healed.

May 2007 - had reconstructive back surgery (360-degree fusion, with the addition of 2 plates, 4 pins and 6 screws).

October 2008 - Matt is gets sick and can't work anymore (but isn't diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis until almost exactly 1 year later).

December 2009 -  After a long, hard labor with many complications, Matt and I welcomed our first-born son, Devin William, into the world. This was also when Matt FINALLY proposed lol!!

March 2010 - Devin had his first set of seizures.

March 2011 - Devin's seizures get worse. He has 6 before the end of the month. We finally start him on antivonvulsant medication and do his first 2 EEG's.

July 2011 - Devin is officially diagnosed with "epilepsy", but we still aren't that worried at this point.

August 2011 - WE'RE EXPECTING AGAIN!!! As it turns out, I was already pregnant before I even finished nursing school (LVN/LPN)!! We find out close to Thanksgiving what we're having!!

October 2011 - We get the results of Devin's recent brain MRI. It's not good news. Although they did find the cause of his seizures, they determined he has Chiari Malformation 1. This means his brain is too low-lying in his skull, and we now have an appointment with the neurosurgeons at Cook Children's Hospital in just 2 weeks. That's when we'll determine whether or not he needs surgery, and if we'll go through with it.

Well, that about has you all up to date. So there you go. I know I've left out a lot of important facts/details, but I feel like you've got the most important information for now :) And I promise, these next posts won't be soooooo long!!

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