This is ME.

This is ME.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Baby #2 - 16 weeks!

Here's the update for this week!! And while I'm at it, I just entered myself in a blog giveaway that's going on over at my dear friend Amanda's page - take a look!!!
(I really want the black & white polka dot bandana with the red bow, but I don't have anything to match it, so I guess that means if I win, I need to go shopping!!!)

How far along? 16 weeks 1 day

Total weight gain/loss: Back to prepregnancy weight, so +/- 0lbs

Maternity clothes?: Decided to swear off the maternity jeans this week until I absolutely can't wear my regular ones!

Stretch marks? May have noticed the start of one on my left boob?! =/

Sleep: Still not long enough, not often enough, and not well enough....

Best moment this week: Technically this was last week, but just to keep you all updated.... I got the Prius I wanted!!!! And heard baby's heartbeat today at my check up (155bpm and going strong!!)

Miss Anything?: Sleep

Movement: Feeling the flips from the outside already!!! Matt's mom felt kicks on Saturday!

Food cravings: Anything I don't have to cook myself :)

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not this week!!

Gender: Still thinking about waiting to find out the gender (gender scan November 29th!!), but now I feel like A.) nothing is gonna make delivery day any more special than it's already gonna be, so what does it matter? And B.) We can take Devin to the next appointment, so if we find out, we can make it more real to him by preparing him for his "little brother" or "baby sister".... any opinions??

Labor Signs: Negative, Ghost Rider.

Symptoms: Rounding belly :) Leaking colostrum already =/  

Belly Button in or out? in!

Wedding rings on or off?: On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Trying just to chill out... hoping it means I've been happier?

Looking forward to: T minus 8 days until we meet Devin's neurosurgeon; gender scan; 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the blog love! :) I enjoyed this post. I'm glad that you've made it to 16 weeks now. I'm ready to find out what it is!!
