This is ME.

This is ME.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Today is the day....

Well, it's finally come. Tuesday, November 15th. Today is the day we meet with Devin's newly assigned neurosurgeon to discuss treatment options for his condition. Matt's in the shower, Devin's still sleeping, and I've been up for hours, so now that I'm fully ready to go (before my alarm was even supposed to go off), I'm just gonna touch bases with my readers.

Matt and I have decided that we are no longer going to get a second opinion from another children's hospital. The one we were interested in going to (Dell Children's Center, Austin) will be at least a 6-8 week wait to do a new patient appointment, then we still have to wait for the appointment to discuss treatment and whether that doctor feels surgery is necessary. So scratch that. Instead, if they tell us today that yes, we do need surgery, I am going to stage a sit-in until they bring one of the other neurosurgeons doing appointments today (they have like 8 on staff so it's not too much to think there might be another one handy) into the room to tell us his(her) opinion.

But here's the way I see today. There's 2 possible outcomes.....

A.) They say no surgery is necessary. It "may be" later on, but they just want to monitor him for "x" amount of time.
                            Outcome --> We come home.

B.) They say surgery is necessary. We can do it asap or we can put it off a few weeks/months/years, but it's necessary nonetheless.
                            Outcome --> We schedule surgery for as soon as possible. I'm expecting another child in a          few months, which is going to make scheduling a surgery for then even harder, let alone traveling with a sick toddler and an infant, and then caring for a sick toddler after... not to mention the prolonged hospital stay..... So I say we do it asap.

                           Plus, the earlier we do it, the better Devin will adjust. Especially if he loses any of his skills (walking, talking, eating, etc), then that's more time before he goes to school that we'll have to "retrain" him, so to speak. And therefore less time behind his peers.

So, now you all know what has been going through our minds. We really don't see any other outcomes to this situation. We are prepared for the worst, because it'd be dumb not to be. But we are still hoping for the best. So any prayers, well-wishes, positive energy, etc, would be greatly appreciated. Keep us in your thoughts around 2:30pm today.

Thanks in advance,

The Morris Family

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