This is ME.

This is ME.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Baby #2 - 17 weeks!!!!

Ok, so this week, I'm gonna do something a little different than I have been in the last couple of weeks. This week, I wanna talk about my (tentative) birth plan. 

With Devin, I went to the hospital at 9pm on Monday, November 30th, with contractions at 7 minutes apart. I had my membranes swept that morning about 10am (4cm dilated and 50% effaced), and contractions started almost immediately at 10 minutes apart. When I went in that night, I was told I was staying! I chose pain meds first, in an attempt to prevent getting the epidural. Well, I was DRUNK for hours and I hated it. Finally around 3am, I got the epidural. 7am, we broke my water. Then the doctor had to keep stopping my labor (4 or 5 different times) because contractions were lasting too long, were too close together and too strong. Finally at 5:23pm, December 1st, I gave birth!!! But not without almost having to have a C-section, not without several "complications", etc.

Since that day, I knew that my next birthing experience would be different.

This time, I don't want pain meds, I don't want an epidural, I don't want pitocin.I DO want to be able to walk around, change positions, or take a shower if I want to. I do want intermittent fetal monitoring instead of continuous monitoring so that I do have the freedom to move around. I want the baby to come when he or she is ready. and I *DO* want my iPod playing this time lol!!! I also want to stay at home until my contractions are 3 minutes apart (less time locked down in a bed, less time for doctors or nurses to try to convince me to have interventions, etc).

What brings all of this up? I'm watching The Business of Being Born, and it just confirms my wishes. My dear husband doesn't think this time around will go like I want it to. As he says, I'm a wimp and couldn't handle the pain of the contractions last time, so why this time? I'll admit, he has a good point (don't tell him I said that!). But I want to try it, at least. IF I don't succeed, then fine. BUT I WANT TO TRY. I think being more educated about the things I want this time will help me make better, informed decisions. 

I encourage all of my pregnant friends to RESEARCH your birth options! KNOW what you want! Whether you want to do it naturally, or if you want every medical intervention possible, KNOW WHAT YOU WANT AND WHY, so that no one can talk you out of YOUR birth plan!!!

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