This is ME.

This is ME.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Baby #2 - IT'S A GIRL!!!

We found out on Tuesday, November 29th (my mom's birthday). We took Devin with us so that he would be the first to know whether we were having a Jackson or an Emmalyn. As the doctor waved his "wand" over my stomach, he stated very nonchalantly, "Looks like a girl." I smile (because I "knew" all along) and look over at Matt just in time to see his excited smile quickly change to a worried, fake-looking smile, and both of his eyes started twitching simultaneously as he just stared at the screen in bewilderment. I quickly spouted off an "I told you so" about the same time that I also commented about Matt's demeanor. Right about then, Devin took it upon himself to laugh the most exaggerated laugh possible (impeccable timing, son), which sent Dr. Stewart, Matt & me into a giggle fit!!

After some more checking around, the doctor confirmed that everything looked great, all of my labs thus far have come back normal, and we are both right on track. In fact, she's already 11oz now!!! We go back on December 28th for another well-checkup.

Something I have to throw out there is that, as previously mentioned, I "knew" it was a girl from day #1. I was so confident that Matt & I decided to bet on it a few weeks ago at our friend's house (so we'd have witnesses). What did I win, you ask? Well, I'll tell you!!!!

I won 3 back rubs && a complaint-free house cleaning PER WEEK!! This is to last the duration of the pregnancy (amazing, I know!!)!!! In addition, I also get a complaint-free  photo shoot for family maternity photos at the time of my choosing!! I'm pretty excited!!! So, those of you who know my husband, PLEASE, take every opportunity you have to rub it in my dear husband's face that HE WAS WRONG!!!! :) 

(This is my "I told you so" face!!!)

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