This is ME.

This is ME.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


I'm now 22 weeks 4 days. Been super busy with moving, working, and holiday stuff. We still haven't decided on a name for Little Miss (we've come close but we are still just going over our options). I've been trying to work as many hours as possible so we can come close to affording everything we have going on at the moment... It hasn't been easy these last few weeks, but we are working on it. This little girl has been giving me fits, and I've been having tons of Braxton Hicks. Devin has been giving us a run for our money, between getting into everything and having SO much energy! But other than all of that, everything is fine!!! We are doing great!!! My next appointment is on December 28th. I fully.expect to hear that everything is as it should be, so i guess ill just keep updating you all from my phone as I get the time!!!

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