This is ME.

This is ME.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Round #2

Well, today was round #2. I wasn’t quite in and out, but I was only up at LDR for about 30 minutes total, so that was refreshing. The nurse wanted to put me on the monitors to check on Emmalyn because I’ve had decreased movement since yesterday, but that is only because yesterday, she was SUPER active. I wasn’t concerned, and they way I see it is that if I am not concerned, being a hypochondriac and all, then it’s probably ok lol. So other than that, we were good to go!

The game plan as of now is to keep her in at least until Sunday night. I don’t think that will be a problem as I’ve been feeling a lot better lately as far as the labor issues go. There are a couple or few hours every night I seem to feel WAY worse, like I’m about to pop her out any second, and then once that passes, it’s all ok again. The overall plan is to make it past next Sunday though. I’m figuring that now that we have taken every precaution for an early arrival, she’ll come a week or two late ;p
Only time will tell!!

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