This is ME.

This is ME.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

36 weeks

I'm finally nearing the end of my pregnancy. Yes, that IS a good thing. However, I am not that enthused about it. I am ready to have my little girl here, and to not be pregnant anymore.I have become so miserable lately... I have soooo many contractions, all day, every day. I wound up in the hospital again on Tuesday night because of contractions that were 2 minutes apart, lasting 45 seconds or a minute each. They gave me the Demerol/Phenergan combo again, just like last week. That shot worked wonders last week!! This week, not so much. My contractions slowed to 4-5 minutes apart, but stayed strong, never went away, and then after just an hour and a half, they were back at 2 minutes apart again. That's when I asked to be discharged.... 

Anyways, the contractions still haven't stopped. I've still been having them every few minutes for days upon days. My back is killing me. I'm not sleeping hardly at all. I've been seeing stars at least a time or two a day for the last few days. It's making me very moody, which in turn is making me very short-tempered. That means Matt is very short-tempered, too, which is not a good combination.....

I'm just ready to be done with all this crap, healing from the last 9 months, and holding my baby girl. I'm exhausted, overwhelmed, and highly emotional.I need a hug, and a back rub.

That is all. I will update everyone after my doctor's appointment tomorrow morning.

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