This is ME.

This is ME.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

9 Months Pregnant!!

I made it!!! I didn’t really think it would happen, but, sure enough, I made it! As I’ve told just about everyone, I think Emmalyn is going to be a March baby. Well, there’s only 1 week left of March, so I guess we’ll see!! I only made it to 36w 4d with Devin, & “they” say you’re 2nd one comes earlier than the first, so HOPEFULLY Little Miss will be here in the next 3 days (since I’m exactly 36 weeks today)!

Actually, what’s funny about all of that is the fact that with Devin, my little black dog, Evan, had her litter of puppies THE NIGHT BEFORE I went to the hospital to have Devin. Well, the same dog got knocked up again about 2 months ago, so her “due date” should’ve been about April 24th (2 days after my due date).


She had her litter either late last night or early this morning!!!!! No KiDDING!!

So now I’m really happy & excited & HOPING that the same pattern holds true!!!!!!!!! Speaking of dogs, Matt’s German Shepherd, Roxy, has been super clingy lately, too, which Matt insists she did when it was time to have Devin. I CAN HOPE!!  I’m currently at the point where I feel like I’ll be pregnant for FOREVER & A DAY; last night, my feet were so swollen that I literally couldn’t even bend my toes!!!  Emm has dropped really low, and just when I think she isn’t gonna get any lower without making an appearance, she does. I’ve been wearing my pre-pregnancy jeans the ENTIRE pregnancy, and it’s only been in the last few days that I can’t really button them.

What I’m getting at is I’M READY FOR EMMALYN PAIGE MORRIS TO MAKE AN APPEARANCE!! She’s been threatening to for 2 months now… we have taken every possible precautionary measure to ensure she is safe & sound… we know she is practicing breathing on her own already… we know she has an awesome sucking reflex, too… so since we are really sure she will be ok to come into this world, I WANT HER HERE NOW!!!

Everyone please pray that either I get less anxious, stop nesting, and become a little more comfortable… or for Emmalyn to come meet her family SOON!!!!!! Lol J

1 comment:

  1. so many april babies being born already!! If I wasn't having a c- section at 39 weeks I'm positive I'd be having a May baby!
