This is ME.

This is ME.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Bedrest Chronicles

Well, today was successful, I guess. I did NOT:

Ø  Clean up the living room…
Ø  Unload the dishwasher OR reload it….
Ø  Cook anything (ok, I’ll admit I did heat up some hot pockets for lunch, but that’s it)…
Ø  organize Emmalyn’s room (even though I’m kinda freaking out that it’s not cleaned/organized yet and she could literally be here ANY day)…

I did, however, figure out that a nice, long, 2 hour nap with Devin is very beneficial in helping pass the time J So that was nice. We all got up this morning around 9:15am, then Matt left the house to go take care of some business around 9:30am. About 10:30am, I decided that I was still tired, and that Devin must be, too (he was SOOOO whiny), so we went and laid back down, fell asleep about 11am, and didn’t wake up until about 1pm!! Yeah, naps are a definite MUST in the coming days!!

All in all, I did pretty well. I decided yesterday that I couldn’t look at bedrest as sitting around for the next however many days or weeks potentially, that if I did I would keep doing things and justifying them by saying “I’ll rest tomorrow, but I really need to do [insert task here] today”. So, today, I just took it a few hours at a time & desperately tried to ignore my growing to-do list. I’ll try to keep it up tomorrow, but for now, I’m just gonna try to relax for a few more hours before bed, and I’ll worry about tomorrow when it comes…

One last thing before I sign off – I need to give credit where credit is due. Today’s relaxing wouldn’t have been possible if it weren’t for my husband. He may not be going around doing spring cleaning every day like I tend to, but he is definitely fetching me beverages, fixing me plates of food, moving several feet at a time to hand me things that are only a few inches (sometimes less) out of my reach. He’s been awesome (even if he is following me around from room to room occasionally to harp on me until I go sit down!).

I also wanna thank my sister& brother-in-law, Steph & Sreeni. I’m not gonna go into details, but y’all are amazing people, and even though I’ve already said, THANK YOU for everything you’ve done for our family. We love you guys!!!

See ya tomorrow J

1 comment:

  1. oh goodness bed rest? I feel for ya that's got to be rough!! Hang in there!
