This is ME.

This is ME.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Emmalyn Paige has Arrived!!

I am pleased to announce that Emmalyn Paige was born on April 5th, 2012 at 3:19pm. She weighed 6lbs 4oz and was 19 inches long. She came into this world after only 3 pushes during a since contraction!! (No tearing, no episiotomy for those weirdos wanting to know lol). I *did* get the epidural at 11:21am, BUT I did accomplish my goal of waiting at least 30 minutes from the time I requested pain relief until I actually got it. Everything until the epidural pretty much sucked. I was a wimp. But the pain relief was well worth it, and me being able to relax actually sped the process along nicely. So it was win-win.

My first thought when I saw her.... "She doesn't look like either one of us" (referring in my head to Matt & me of course). I honestly wasn't very excited like I remember being with Devin. Instead, I think I felt more accomplished than anything. 

And hungry! As soon as the whole family too Emmy to be weighed, I started chowing down on a several hour old breakfast burrito my mom had brought me!! Then, the whole family caught me with a mouthful!! I'll never live that one down....

So, there is the baby update. I realize the whole labor story isn't included. I think I will save that for another day... That means you'll just have to keep reading!!!